Londres, concert interecclésial le 23-02-2019
Le samedi 23 à 18h30, en l’église St Yeghiche des Arméniens, 13b Cranley Gardens – SW7 3BB Kensington London : CONCERT INTERECCLESIAL – Theophania
Et le mardi 26, 19h, au 4 Chesterfield Gardens, London, W1J 5BG : concert The Coptic Music: From the Nile to the Thames
présenté par le prof. Michael Henein, directeur du choeur européen St Kyrel (il est aussi à l’origine du concert ecclésial) :
« The lecture will address a brief history of the Coptic music and use the available evidence to provide more recent liturgical music analysis performed at Canterbury Christ Church University-UK including the use of Pharaonic musical instruments’ (nays) replicas. The event will also include life music playing as demonstration »
Tel: 0207491 7720