28-30 avril 2016, Nations-Unies: génocide Isis

Jeudi 28, vendredi 29 et samedi 30 avril à New-york, au siège des Nations-Unies puis dans un lieu proche, se tiennent trois journées consacrées au génocide des chrétiens et des Yézidis par l’Etat Islamique en Irak et en Syrie (Isis en anglais, Daech en arabe comme les médias français disent suite à l’interdiction qui leur a été faite par Fabius de rappeler la signification de l’acronyme). Voici le programme – on peut suivre ou revoir les exposés  ici ou mieux encore, sur http://wouzee.com/es/video/146051 ou 146047.

Defending religious freedom and other human rights:
Stopping mass atrocities against Christians and other believers

Nations-Unies_UNThursday 28th: United Nations Session
United Nations Headquarters
ECOSOC Chamber (10:00am – 1:00pm)
Sponsor: Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations

10:00 am Opening remarks

  • Archbishop Bernardito Auza (Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN)
  • Ambassador Ufuk Gokcen (Permanent Observer of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation to the UN)

10:20 am Short Video presentation

10:25 am Protecting victims of persecution and fostering religious freedom worldwide
Chair: Archbishop Bernardito Auza (Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN)

  • Mr. Carl Anderson. Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, promoters of the Report submitted to the US Secretary of State on Genocide against Christians in the Middle East.
  • The Hon. Lars Adaktusson. Swedish Member of the European Parliament. Initiator of the EP Resolution on the systematic mass murder of religious minorities by the so-called “ISIS/Daesh.”
  • Dr. Thomas F. Farr. Director of the Religious Freedom Project at Georgetown University. First director of the US State Department’s office of international religious freedom.

11:15 am Witnesses of the mass atrocities and exodus of Christians and other religious minorities
Chair: Ignacio Arsuaga, President of Citizen

  • H.E. Joseph Danlami Bagobiri. Bishop of Kafanchan, Nigeria.
  • Carl & Marsha Mueller. Parents of Kayla Mueller, a young aid worker and ISIS/Daesh hostage who was killed in Syria.
  • Fr. Douglas Al-Bazi. Chaldean Catholic Church parish priest kidnapped by ISIS. Erbil, Iraq.
  • Sr. María de Guadalupe. Missionary in Syria.

12:10 pm Christian and Yazidi women and girls: sexual victims of crimes against humanity
Chair: Kirsten Evans, Executive Director,  In Defense of Christians

  • Ms. Samia Sleman. Yazidi witness kidnaped by ISIS/Daesh
  • Dr. Elisa von Joeden-Forgey. Associate Professor and Director, Master of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Studies Program, Stockton University and Vice President of the International Association of Genocide Scholars.
  • Ms. Jacqueline Isaac. American-Egyptian Humanitarian Attorney and Vice President of Roads of Success

12:55 pm Closure
Archbishop Bernardito Auza. Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN.

Friday 29th: Delivery of the #WeAreN2016 Petition and Film Premiere

10:00am – 11:00am
United Nations Headquarters

Delivery of the #WeAreN2016 petition addressed to the UN Secretary General calling on the international community to recognize the nature of the systematic attacks on Christians and other religious minorities and to commit itself to protect them in accordance with international law and previous United Nations resolutions.

7:30pm Premiere of the ‘Insha Allah – Blood of the Martyrs’ documentary film on Persecuted Christians produced by CitizenGO and MasLibres.

Saturday 30th: New York Session
The Roosevelt Hotel
9:00am – 5:00pm
45 E 45 St. New York

9:30am Opening remarks
Ignacio Arsuaga. President of CitizenGO
Toufic Baaklini. President of In Defense of Christians

9:45am. Iraq: Testimony by Fr. Douglas Al-Bazi.
Chaldean Catholic Church parish priest kidnapped by ISIS. Erbil, Iraq.
Interviewed by Luis Losada. Global Editor. CitizenGO.

10:30am. Nigeria: Testimony by Mons. Joseph Danlami Bagobiri.
Bishop of Kafanchan. Nigeria.
Interviewed by Luis Losada. Global Editor. CitizenGO.

11:15am Syria: Testimonies by Fr. Rodrigo Miranda and Sister María de Guadalupe.
Missionaries in Syria.
Interviewed by Alvaro Zulueta. Executive Director. CitizenGO

12:30pm Political impact of the US House of Representatives’ Resolution on genocide against Christians, Yazidis, and other ethnic and religious minorities.

2:30pm Short Video presentation

2:40pm ISIS’ terror: the voice of the suffering
Chair: Stephen Hollingshead. In Defense of Christians. Managing Director of the Haven Project

  • Samia Sleman. Yazidi teenage girl that escaped from ISIS
  • Carl & Marsha Mueller. Parents of Kayla Mueller, a young aid worker and ISIS hostage killed in Syria.

3:30pm Religious persecution: the voice of the victims
Chair: Nina Shea. Director of the Center for Religious Freedom. Hudson Institute.

  • Eisham Asiq & Masih Asiq. Asia Bibi’s daughter and husband. Asia Bibi was convicted of blasphemy and faces a death sentence in Pakistan.
  • Joseph Fadelle. Iraqi writer convert to Christianity from Islam.

4:30 pm Closing statements: How we can help.

  • Lola Velarde. Congress Director
  • Alvaro Zulueta. Executive Director. CitizenGO

4:45pm – 5pm Group Picture

– En savoir plus : http://maslibres.org/wearen2016en/programme/#sthash.PHxxhNe8.dpuf .

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